Spiritual Counselling
Counselling sessions with Ria (online & in presence)
What can be address:
· Advices, suggestions and clarifications about your spiritual path of awakening, health and life.
· Advices on your spiritual practices and/or sadhana (daily body and mind yogic practice for spiritual awakening).
· Advices, resolution and knowledge about: spiritual and ordinary paths, paths of empowerment, body-mind-breath topics, law of attraction, paths of manifestation, spiritual, energetic and psychic attacks, entities and dark forces, auric holes, nadi dysfunctions, chakras, sicknesses and allergies, food and diets, relationships and family/genealogy issues, soul path, communication with spiritual individualities (for example, nature spirits, star and galactic beings, Gods and Goddesses, Ascended Masters, ancestors, evil forces, other spiritual, etheric or physical individualities), Kundalini Shakti, star work, plant medicine, power plants, power animals, stones, elements, objects and power objects (also related to effects of current business on spiritual paths), altars for awakening, space cleansing and awakening, sacred places, temple work, arts, sacred geometries, yoga, kriyas, meditation, pranayama (breath work) and overall body and mind practices.
· Transition work and spiritual gates.
· Tarots if possible. This practice it is stil partially under veil given card channeling and production. If possible we do it. At one point I’ll channel Ria’s tarots.
· Meditation in Ria’s presence and work in sacred space.
· Kriyas and yogic or other spiritual/energy practices, also related to what counselled.
More information
One session lasts from 20 min to an hour or longer if necessary. It can happen online or in presence.
You can prepare some questions or ask spontaneously. You can take notes. If you wish to record please ask before the sessions; it is not always energetically possible. If you wish to practice yoga and meditation too, make sure you have your yoga mat.
I’m asking 40€ for 40 minutes, 30 euros for 30 minutes, 20€ for 20 minutes.
Contact me to book your session.